Lotus Sky, transformational Coach

content strategy, Paid Ads, Email Marketing

Lotus Sky is a musical channel and shamanic guide who works with change-makers equipping them with spiritual tools for the modern world. Her flagship Earth Warrior School guides participants through a 3-month journey to transform their lives through the six dimensions of spiritual self-mastery.

In 2021 Lotus reached over a quarter million in sales in the first six months of the year, while spending less time on marketing than she ever has. To achieve this we developed a marketing strategy across her social media, email lists and through new paid social media advertisements which generated 100’s of leads to her online summits and free offers.

By aligning her messaging and telling compelling stories of her and her client’s personal transformation she was able to fill her Earth Warrior School and Mastermind with dozens of ideal clients.


OM Office Yoga Virtual Corporate Wellness (acquired)


5x ROI on Course Social Media Ads